Wednesday, July 11, 2007

The power of sucking

The pacifier is a wonderful thing and a parent's best friend. It can ease the wrinkles in Cole's forehead, silence the cries, and put him into a trance-like state, making life peaceful once again. The only flaw I see with these little gizmos is that they are lost much too easily. From different doctor visits and his NICU stay, we have accumulated five of these "soothies". However, when the cries are at their worst and Cole's "V" is a blazing red, we are hard pressed to locate even one. Someday, I will put my education to use and market a smoothie that has a locater incorporated into it. That should propel me into a comfortable, early retirement.


cherl said...

Can you please also make them so they aren't dog hair magnets??

Funny post because it's such a universal problem. Although for us, the problem is that we only carry one around with us and I've been known to drop it -- restaurants, grocery stores, fairgrounds -- and then not have a spare. I've done it so often and paid the price with a wailing, inconsolable baby on more than one occassion that one would think I've learned to carry two by now. Not so.

cherl said...

Handsome boy! He should wear blue every day. Such beautiful eyes!