Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Snowy steps

Cole's first steps in the snow.

Untitled from T on Vimeo.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Through thick and thin


I usually find it completely endearing that it is next to impossible to separate Franny and Cole.  We are finding, however, that this sometimes has it's drawbacks.  When Franny has a timeout on the stairs, Cole will always run and sit with her, and if he is restrained from going to her, he will scream and cry.   To prevent this, we tried to take Cole upstairs and lock the gate.  But, even this effort proved to be ineffective.  Cole figured out all too quickly that they can see each other in the mirror, through which they yell and laugh at each other.  Not much of timeout...

What's cookin'?

In our house, with Franny's extraordinary imagination, and Cole always the willing accomplice, their kitchen could never be  just a kitchen.

Sometimes, it's for haircuts...


Sometimes, it's a bathtub...


Sometimes, it's just for silliness...

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But whatever they use it for, it's always fun!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Cole and daddy


Always, Cole's favorite place to be.

A week of snow


Cole getting a better view of the snow


We are now approaching a full week of snowy weather.  With the exception of some slight melting on Thursday, are home has been a winter wonderland, beautifully covered with undisturbed snow; the tracks we've made have been promptly filled in with new snow.  However, very strong winds and frigid, twenty degree days have made it not the best for getting out and having fun in the snow.  Unquestionably, it's been terribly unfair circumstances for two young kids!  Although we have made it out for short periods of time everyday, surprisingly, it's either Franny or Cole who decide it's time to retreat to the warm indoors!  For our kids who always prefer to be outside, that definitely says something about the weather's bite.   Our snow is predicted to last several more days, so hopefully some good play days lay ahead!

Friday, December 5, 2008

New do

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Cole got a very stylin' hair cut today.  Cut very short and shaped all along his hairline, he looks more like a little boy than ever!  Unfortunately, it's so short his signature curls are temporarily gone, but it grows so quickly, I'm sure he'll be sporting them again in a week or two!

Winter is coming...

This past weekend, the kids got bundled up in their warmest gear for a trip to the zoo.  They came home with cold hands and rosy cheeks, but also with very big smiles!

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Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thanksgiving yummies

There's something about kids and olives...  And for this little guy, the olives even beat out the pumpkin pie!

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Fancy boy


On Thanksgiving, with Franny choosing to wear her best dress to Grandma and Grandpa's, we thought it appropriate that Cole sport his best, as well.  And, with his button-down shirt and khaki pants, he really was quite handsome!

Friday, November 28, 2008



This last week, Cole took his first nap in his toddler bed.   Now, I leave it up to him where he sleeps.  He has yet to choose it again, but I think he will soon.  I figure he has six months to make the transition... 


In the past, it definitely has not been my favorite kids activity; I have found it dried out in the most unusual places, and at least in our house it immediately all gets mixed together to resemble a big blob of brownish-blackish-greyish sludge. Not to mention Cole continuously attempting to eat it. But, Franny and Cole love it.

With the remainder of the kid's supply barely pliable enough make a basic ball, Auntie Noelle brought a fresh supply with her on her latest visit. Colorful and soft with a variety of colors--what a treat! And, Cole finally started to play with it, rather than eating it! It's very cute to see him try to use the roller and cutters. Since this visit nearly two weeks ago, both kids have sat and played with it daily, sometimes for long periods of time. Seeing them play so intently, happily, and sometimes even quietly together has made me rethink play-doh to a certain degree. Maybe they will even find some in their stockings this year. Maybe.






Although Cole is not very adventurous in his eating, he usually will want to try everything that Franny eats.  Most recently, pickles caught his eye, and were definitely a big hit!  Between the two of them, they polished off the last of them.  Now, if I could just find a high-fat pickle...

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Changing personality


As a baby, Cole was a much more serious and acutely observant  little guy, compared to his older sister.  In the past couple of months, however, his amusement is becoming increasingly more apparent, as he giggles and laughs constantly, and even seems to be developing a very silly sense of humor.  Also, his separation anxiety is also waning , making way for his continuous charming, waving, blowing kisses, giving hugs and high fives, and just general talking and interaction where before he was always very observant and reserved.   He likes to say (at least what sounds like) I cute!  And, I would have to say, I very much agree with him!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Playgroup, second generation


Franny's playgroup established when she was about 3 months.  Now, more than 3 years later, 7 moms and 8 kids (one set of twins) remain.  Well, make that 14 kids;  2007 encompassed the birth of all our second-born children.  The age span is a little broader, with the eldest at 20 months and the youngest at just under a year, but they seem to get along about as well as you can expect for this age group, meaning they really pay very little attention to each other.  But, with all the excitement that surrounds eight 3-year-olds, who can really blame them?  Regardless, we were able to get them all to sit still long enough to take this picture--a feat we have never been able to pull off with the elder group! 

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Things to say


This morning, Cole blew a messy raspberry on my neck, looked at me, and then said I silly! It was the first time I'd heard him use more than one word together. Later, during his swim class, he crawled out of the pool, sat down on the edge, and said I did it! This little guy continues to amaze me everyday; I can't imagine what he will do--or say-- next!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

So big!

It started with Cole just being able to point to and tell me which of the monkeys in one of his favorite books--Hand, Hand, Fingers, Thumb--was the big one. Now, his favorite word is big. And I guess, it's really no wonder--when you're only a year and a half, everything is big!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


I love visiting OMSI--there are so many great things for kids to see and learn about. But, with tickets for the whole family regularly totalling $31, it is a rather expensive adventure, when a majority of the exhibits are beyond the appreciation of a 3 1/2 year old, much less a 16 month old. Needless to say, I was thrilled to discover that OMSI is now offering tickets for $2 on the first Sunday of each month. This last Sunday, it was the perfect rainy day excursion, and both kids had a great time in the Turbine Hall (interactive technology and physical science exhibits) and the Science Playground. Cole was quite fascinated with this exhibit, and spent a lot of time experimenting with it. He would catch the balls, push them down the tubes, and watch them shoot back up. He did it over and over again, utilizing every method possible. It is fascinating to watch his mind work and see him trying to make sense of it all--he can be so acutely focused on these types of things and has the attention span to match his interest. I suspect we could have left him here all day!

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Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Upwardly mobile


Cole is extremely vertically motivated.  With complete obliviousness to consequence, he will attempt to climb just about anything and will go as high as his physical ability will allow.  I am in a constant state of alert--moving furniture, laying chairs on the floor, eliminating potential stepping stones--basically, doing anything to prevent him from shimmying to the top of the dining room table, climbing up the built-ins, or laying claim to the countertops.  I think that I have either somehow forgotten this same stage of Franny's physical development, or this is a state-of-mind that must come from being the shortest member of the family.  Either way, it's an adventure!

Hanging out with big sister

Cole has always been attracted to everyything that has anything to do with Franny. Even before he could crawl, he has been fascinated with Franny's puzzles. I don't know if it's the colors or all the interesting shapes, but he loves to hold and examine the pieces, and even tries to put pieces together, although he really doesn't understand why some fit together and others don't. Franny is so very tolerant of him, even when he takes the pieces she needs or breaks apart some of her progress. I love watching the two of them together and seeing their relationship develop; they really do seem to enjoy each other's company over anyone else's!

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Saturday, October 4, 2008

The sound of silence

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As with Franny, I love doing baby sign language with Cole. I didn't document exactly when he started signing, but I believe he was about 13 months when he first started using the sign for "milk". "Daddy"  soon followed, and now he has nearly 80 signs that he uses.  Amazingly, 25 of these are animals; it may seem somewhat silly to some to teach him these, but he gets so much satisfaction out of communicating anything to us, whether it is while we are reading books or just within our daily routine--his face will light up; he will nod or shake his head; or he will just smile, as he is so obviously pleased with himself.  He is so adept to it, that it is difficult to keep pace with his ability to learn, especially since the context of his vocabulary has begun to move beyond just noun identification and verbs.  And, he is also adding to his verbal vocabulary daily, so he will sometimes start using a word and it's sign at the same time.  I am all too aware that his transition from using signs to talking has already begun, so I am enjoying the signs while I can.  Not because I don't want him to talk, but there is a certain sweetness about the silent communication of young toddlers.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Caught in the act

He is not always as innocent as he looks...

Cole's crazy curls

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Depending on the day, Cole can really have some crazy hair.  Since we've never had his hair cut, all the uneven lengths only accentuate the it's incredibly curly nature.   Today, with Franny at school and his hair resembling a curly mohawk, I finally decided the time had come to take him to get his hair cut.  And although he protested the entire time--protest is a actually a very kind word for what transpired there--we got it done and he looks great!    I really do love Cole's curls, but they are definitely best kept short!

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Thursday, September 25, 2008

Did you say something?


Cole's vocabulary is very quickly expanding.  I understand him best while we are reading books, but more and more frequently I am beginning to hear his words throughout the day in a multitude of contexts.  Yesterday, while I was making him lunch, I heard the word "flower" so clearly that I thought it had to be my imagination.  As I looked at him (standing next to a vase of tulips), he repeated it several times and then did the sign for flower, as if to say, what are you not understanding?  Apparently, not as much as I should be!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Balancing it all out


Since Cole first started eating solid foods, all his doctors wanted to focus on boosting his intake of calories, fat, and anything that would put weight on his slender frame.  And, we tried just that, with little focus on the balance that typically defines a healthy diet.  Although I can appreciate both their intent and concern, as time went on, I became more and more concerned that Cole wasn't eating the fruits and vegetables and all the nutrients and vitamins they contain.  And, also afraid that as a result he may not really feel as good as he could, I decided that I would focus on giving him a better balance of foods, while still maximizing his calories whenever possible.  For over six weeks, I have continued to present fruits and vegetables with nearly every meal and snack.  Cole was not responsive--at best, he would squish a raspberry or drop a carrot.  It has been deflating, as well as concerning, to say the least. 

This week, however, we have finally made some progress!  First, with some spinach/cream cheese bake on Monday, and yesterday he ate grapes and broccoli!  I am ecstatic and very encouraged.  And, since his previous extreme fat diet didn't put the pounds on, maybe a balanced one will.   We'll see.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Its official!

Cole spent his California trip taking an occasional two to three steps at a time, but really not near the point where we could say he was walking. Well, either he was inspired by his sweet cousin Meredith or he was just waiting to get home, but less than two hours after returning from the airport, Cole began taking up to 20 steps at a time. This video clip was taken the next day, and in just the few days since, he has begun teetering down the hallway and all around the house, and is clearly making the transition from crawler to walker. Look out world!

Just one more

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Cole taking it all in at Legoland

The younger cousins

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Under the sea

It is hard to adequately describe the incredible enthusiasm and fun that both Franny and Cole had at the Sea Life Aquarium. I expected Cole to be excited--he loves to watch fish we had already witnessed his intense fascination at the San Diego Zoo. But Franny was running from exhibit to exhibit shouting, pointing, and literally jumping up and down. Jellyfish, rays, seahorses, sharks, and even kelp thrilled them both to no end. They loved it and we loved watching and listening to their reactions to each of the exhibits. It was a great time!

The interactive tide pools

Watching the "Nemo" fish

Cole getting as close as possible

Cole at the San Diego Zoo

At the Sea Life Aquarium


Monday, September 22, 2008

No longer eating like a bird


Cole's appetite underwent a dramatic change during our vacation--he ate constantly, rarely going more than 30 minutes to an hour without some sort of snack from the morning into the afternoon.  On this walk in La Jolla, however, he soon discovered that he needed to keep those snacks hidden, as the local gulls were quick to pick up his trail!

Beach boy

This vacation included Cole's first visit to the ocean.  Although he didn't dive in head first like his sister, he definitely enjoyed getting his feet wet and playing in the sand.

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Tuesday, September 9, 2008

On the mend


Poor Cole spent the weekend battling a nasty stomach flu.  Although his appetite took an upswing today, over the course of his virus he lost nearly a pound.  It may not sound like much, but for a previously-19-pound toddler, that's a lot. With his weight-gaining history, we just hope he gets that back sometime before Christmas.   To top it all off, this morning his face and body broke out in a post-viral rash, which sent his mama into a minor panic.  Fortunately, with a quick call to the doctor, all anxieties were eased and he spent the rest of the day enjoying a very uneventful and  mellow day at home.  Now, with a lot of TLC, he is recuperating and should be to his regular, sweet personality in the next day or two.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Sweet siblings

When they ride it together, Franny likes to call Cole's little car the "four wheeler".  And, they definitely have fun on it as they zip around the house. 

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