Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Snowy steps

Cole's first steps in the snow.

Untitled from T on Vimeo.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Through thick and thin


I usually find it completely endearing that it is next to impossible to separate Franny and Cole.  We are finding, however, that this sometimes has it's drawbacks.  When Franny has a timeout on the stairs, Cole will always run and sit with her, and if he is restrained from going to her, he will scream and cry.   To prevent this, we tried to take Cole upstairs and lock the gate.  But, even this effort proved to be ineffective.  Cole figured out all too quickly that they can see each other in the mirror, through which they yell and laugh at each other.  Not much of timeout...

What's cookin'?

In our house, with Franny's extraordinary imagination, and Cole always the willing accomplice, their kitchen could never be  just a kitchen.

Sometimes, it's for haircuts...


Sometimes, it's a bathtub...


Sometimes, it's just for silliness...

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But whatever they use it for, it's always fun!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Cole and daddy


Always, Cole's favorite place to be.

A week of snow


Cole getting a better view of the snow


We are now approaching a full week of snowy weather.  With the exception of some slight melting on Thursday, are home has been a winter wonderland, beautifully covered with undisturbed snow; the tracks we've made have been promptly filled in with new snow.  However, very strong winds and frigid, twenty degree days have made it not the best for getting out and having fun in the snow.  Unquestionably, it's been terribly unfair circumstances for two young kids!  Although we have made it out for short periods of time everyday, surprisingly, it's either Franny or Cole who decide it's time to retreat to the warm indoors!  For our kids who always prefer to be outside, that definitely says something about the weather's bite.   Our snow is predicted to last several more days, so hopefully some good play days lay ahead!

Friday, December 5, 2008

New do

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Cole got a very stylin' hair cut today.  Cut very short and shaped all along his hairline, he looks more like a little boy than ever!  Unfortunately, it's so short his signature curls are temporarily gone, but it grows so quickly, I'm sure he'll be sporting them again in a week or two!

Winter is coming...

This past weekend, the kids got bundled up in their warmest gear for a trip to the zoo.  They came home with cold hands and rosy cheeks, but also with very big smiles!

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