Sunday, February 1, 2009

First finger paint

Given Franny's love of art projects, I have recently tried to be much more accommodating to nurturing this interest for both her and Cole, while being much less concerned about mess. As a result, Santa brought Franny a pack of finger paints and Cole a pack of markers. Over the course of the last week, the two have made multitudes of creations, using both. Cole is very fortunate--Franny was two years old before we allowed her to use anything besides crayons, and was nearly three before she used finger paint at home. I guess it's a good example of the eldest breaking the parents in for the younger siblings, and Cole is definitely enjoying his benefit. I admit, he did surprise me; although he did ingest a fair amount of finger paint, the majority did remain on the paper and he loved making his own masterpieces, just like his big sister. Not to mention cleaning his brush and making the water turn colors in the rinsing glass. And, it was a lot of fun for me to watch, as well. Especially since, amazingly enought, not one drop of paint made it to the carpet. But, as for the tabletop, chairs, shirts, pants, faces, hands, and hair---thats a much different story.

Finger paint from T on Vimeo.

1 comment:

cherl said...

Fun -- Cole is having such a good time!