Monday, March 31, 2008

Up, up, and away!

Last week, Cole was able to climb 2 of our stairs at a time. Today, he climbed from the bottom to top! At 10 months, that is a month before Franny did the same thing. Probably part of it has to do with him crawling on all fours, while at the same age, Franny was still commando crawling. Regardless, quite an accomplishment for little BC. Developmentally, he just continues to explode--I am certain, he is trying every way he can to keep up with his big sister. Wherever Franny is, Cole is not far behind, with the gap narrowing with each passing day. I think it is quite sweet the way he follows her around, and so far, Franny has been very patient with him. I don't think it will be too long before he is chasing after Franny; and in actuality, I think she wouldn't want it any other way!

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