Thursday, September 27, 2007

A delicate balance (unbalance?)

I try to balance the very diverse needs of Franny and Cole throughout the week. Wednesdays, however, Cole sacrifices most of his day to Franny. This is her playgroup day and we frequently meet somewhere for fun and then follow it up with lunch. Needless to say, door to door can be as long as 3-4 hours, which is a lot to ask of a 4-month old. I think that he enjoys being out and seeing new things. But, I know he doesn't like to be put in his car seat twenty minutes after he awakes in the morning; cooped up in his stroller for long periods of time; patted, poked, and grabbed at by six curious toddlers; and forced to take irregular naps throughout it all, only to sporadically awakened by those same curious toddlers. Not to mention being covered up in creative ways to protect his fair skin; nursing on the go; and having an unwanted pacifier repeatedly put in his mouth when he does finally express some discontent. Although the list could continue, I'll stop there to avoid aggravating my conscience any further. In the end, maybe there is little harm done, and maybe, he gets more quality stimulation from being out than he would get from staying home. And, he does get two days a week that are predominately Franny-free, calm, and at home. So, in the larger scheme of things, maybe there is a little balance, after all, albeit a very delicate one.

His temperament says: "I'm a trooper"; his eyes say: "Mama, please take me home".

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