Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Balancing it all out


Since Cole first started eating solid foods, all his doctors wanted to focus on boosting his intake of calories, fat, and anything that would put weight on his slender frame.  And, we tried just that, with little focus on the balance that typically defines a healthy diet.  Although I can appreciate both their intent and concern, as time went on, I became more and more concerned that Cole wasn't eating the fruits and vegetables and all the nutrients and vitamins they contain.  And, also afraid that as a result he may not really feel as good as he could, I decided that I would focus on giving him a better balance of foods, while still maximizing his calories whenever possible.  For over six weeks, I have continued to present fruits and vegetables with nearly every meal and snack.  Cole was not responsive--at best, he would squish a raspberry or drop a carrot.  It has been deflating, as well as concerning, to say the least. 

This week, however, we have finally made some progress!  First, with some spinach/cream cheese bake on Monday, and yesterday he ate grapes and broccoli!  I am ecstatic and very encouraged.  And, since his previous extreme fat diet didn't put the pounds on, maybe a balanced one will.   We'll see.

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