Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Writing it down

These blogs have slowly become my sole method of documenting all the different milestones and memories of Cole and Franny; I have yet to write anything in their baby books. It is not a perfect method, however, and unfortunately, not everything gets the attention or official recording it deserves. Whether it be due to time, or finding an appropriate picture, or just managing to translate my thoughts in a way that I like, there are many details that I miss. Cole has many words he uses and even more signs, but I have yet to document what they are or when he started using them. I am not exactly certain when Cole started to wave "bye bye" or blow kisses. But it has been over the last couple of weeks that he will consistently to do it when we ask him to. Although it is silly to ask him to do these things out of context, I can't resist. It's just too sweet. So, all in the name of documentation....

1 comment:

cherl said...

So cute!! I was just wondering this afternoon what Cole's verbal skills are these days. Meredith seems a bit behind for 15 months. Bugger.