Sunday, August 5, 2007

Playing possum

Sometimes, it seems that Cole just closes his eyes and pretends to be asleep. Usually, he does this when the house is in a state of complete chaos. This is typically in the late afternoon, although it can happen at anytime, depending on the temperament of one big sister. I'll be holding him, and everything will start to get loud and rowdy, and then I'll look down, to see him tightly shut his eyes and press his lips together briefly, and then relax, feigning a blissful slumber. I know he's not really asleep, so I frequently tease that he is hiding from us. And, to be honest, if positions were reversed, I'd probably want to hide too! Eventually, though, I am sure he learn to thrive in the tumultuous upheaval that Franny and I have learned to call routine.

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