Tuesday, January 9, 2007

To catch up...

We are quickly approaching the half-way for this pregnancy. Amazingly, by 13 weeks, the most critical points of his development had already been completed--his body was fully formed, as were his tissue and organs. Even his unique fingerprints were established very early on. At this point, all he really has to do is grow and mature.

The changes that the little guy has already undergone is amazing. He can move his joints and even grasp; his skeleton, which has been rubbery cartilege, has begun to harden to bone. His more advanced body systems are working, including his circulatory system and urinary tract. With a heart rate of 140-160 bpm, his little heart pumps about 25 quarts of blood each day, circulating his total blood volume through his body many times. By the end of this pregnancy, this will increase to about 190 quarts. Although closed, his eyes are moving and he can sense light and darkness; his sense of hearing is also developing, as he is able to hear sounds, such as the flow of blood, the beating of my heart, and the rumblings of my stomach. He's even started growing toenails, teeth beneath his gums, and taste buds. Thanks to brain impulses, his little facial muscles are in continuous flux, as he squints, frowns, and grimaces. He may be able to suck his thumb. Finally, his body is now covered with lanugo, an ultra-fine, downy covering of hair, which enables the baby to maintain a constant body temperature.

Whew! That's quite a lot to have accomplished in 18 short weeks, don't you think?

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