The baby now weighs about three-quarters of a pound and is approximately 10 1/2 inches long. His eyebrows and eyelids are fully developed.
He is really on the move now. Fetal researchers say babies move about 50 times an hour even while sleeping. All that movement helps stimulate the baby's physical and mental development. While I haven't felt the consistency of movement that I felt with Franny at this point in the pregnancy, I have felt his movements more strongly over the past several days. We witnessed at the ultrasound that he is unquestionably a very active little guy, but for whatever reason, he doesn't seem to be kicking in a way that is always noticable to me. Soon, though, I hope!
His hearing is developing, and sounds from conversations can be heard inside the uterus--along with my heartbeat, stomach rumblings, and the pulsing of blood vessels. In fact, the womb is so noisy that it's been compared to an airport runway during takeoff; it's thought that the stimuli prepare the baby for the cacophony of noises, sights, and sounds that will greet him at birth.
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