There's something about kids and olives... And for this little guy, the olives even beat out the pumpkin pie!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Fancy boy
On Thanksgiving, with Franny choosing to wear her best dress to Grandma and Grandpa's, we thought it appropriate that Cole sport his best, as well. And, with his button-down shirt and khaki pants, he really was quite handsome!
Friday, November 28, 2008
This last week, Cole took his first nap in his toddler bed. Now, I leave it up to him where he sleeps. He has yet to choose it again, but I think he will soon. I figure he has six months to make the transition...
In the past, it definitely has not been my favorite kids activity; I have found it dried out in the most unusual places, and at least in our house it immediately all gets mixed together to resemble a big blob of brownish-blackish-greyish sludge. Not to mention Cole continuously attempting to eat it. But, Franny and Cole love it.
With the remainder of the kid's supply barely pliable enough make a basic ball, Auntie Noelle brought a fresh supply with her on her latest visit. Colorful and soft with a variety of colors--what a treat! And, Cole finally started to play with it, rather than eating it! It's very cute to see him try to use the roller and cutters. Since this visit nearly two weeks ago, both kids have sat and played with it daily, sometimes for long periods of time. Seeing them play so intently, happily, and sometimes even quietly together has made me rethink play-doh to a certain degree. Maybe they will even find some in their stockings this year. Maybe.
Although Cole is not very adventurous in his eating, he usually will want to try everything that Franny eats. Most recently, pickles caught his eye, and were definitely a big hit! Between the two of them, they polished off the last of them. Now, if I could just find a high-fat pickle...
Changing personality
As a baby, Cole was a much more serious and acutely observant little guy, compared to his older sister. In the past couple of months, however, his amusement is becoming increasingly more apparent, as he giggles and laughs constantly, and even seems to be developing a very silly sense of humor. Also, his separation anxiety is also waning , making way for his continuous charming, waving, blowing kisses, giving hugs and high fives, and just general talking and interaction where before he was always very observant and reserved. He likes to say (at least what sounds like) I cute! And, I would have to say, I very much agree with him!