Monday, March 31, 2008

Up, up, and away!

Last week, Cole was able to climb 2 of our stairs at a time. Today, he climbed from the bottom to top! At 10 months, that is a month before Franny did the same thing. Probably part of it has to do with him crawling on all fours, while at the same age, Franny was still commando crawling. Regardless, quite an accomplishment for little BC. Developmentally, he just continues to explode--I am certain, he is trying every way he can to keep up with his big sister. Wherever Franny is, Cole is not far behind, with the gap narrowing with each passing day. I think it is quite sweet the way he follows her around, and so far, Franny has been very patient with him. I don't think it will be too long before he is chasing after Franny; and in actuality, I think she wouldn't want it any other way!

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Shhhh... Don't tell Franny!

Cole's favorite things are those that are closely associated with Franny. Ironically, he only get's to play with them when Franny is at school or otherwise occupied!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Tight lipped

Since diagnosed with his double ear infection on Friday, Cole has been intolerant of any solid foods crossing his lips, much less a spoon. The few crackers he has eaten and the small amounts of almond butter he has sucked off his rice cakes have been the extent of his solid food diet--no yogurt, no avocado, no cheese. All those great foods that can add some bulk to his lean frame have been emphatically refused--it's been very frustrating! Today, however, he took me by surprise and finally ate a big bowl of oatmeal, followed by some avocado. In retrospect, I should have added some whipping cream to his cereal; it's definitely an adjustment to think about diet in terms of maximizing fat, rather than reducing or controlling it. But hopefully, his new appetite is an indicator that he's starting to feel better!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Two minds not thinking alike

When I took this picture of Dusty and Cole, I initially thought I just captured a great picture of Cole. Once home and able to see it in more detail, I realized that the look on both their faces is priceless! Sweet Dusty, you put up with so much!

Silly Cole

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Beefing up baby

With the 4-day wait rule, not to mention trying not to overwhelm Cole with a new, expansive buffet, it is taking some time to introduce--not to mention reintroduce--Cole to some of the foods that pack the strongest caloric punch. So far, the big winners seem to be rice cakes with almond butter (lots of almond butter eaten, but very little rice cake) and waffles with cream cheese. He also eats lots of yogurt and oatmeal, although they don't receive the same enthusiasm. This next week the new foods will be mashed potatoes/sweet potatoes with sour cream and gravy and creamed soups with parmesan cheese. Doesn't sound too bad to me...

Friday, March 7, 2008

It's alright to be little bitty

This week, Cole had a serious round of doctor visits--pediatrician, physical therapist, and nutritionist. The consensus: a very engaged, highly observant, cute little character. It seems that sweet Cole must be carrying nearly half his weight in those adorable little cheeks. At a slim 16 pounds and 3 ounces, he doesn't quite register on the regular growth curves. The recommended strategy, however, is one that the rest of us can only dream of--basically, to add fat to everything. Vegetables should smothered in cheese, breads saturated with butter, fruits laden with cream, mashed sweet potatoes mixed with whole milk sour cream, breads spread with nut butters and cream cheese, and the general rule to mix oils and mayonnaise with anything possible! It almost seems like the food pyramid in reverse. Lucky little guy! But, most importantly, while leaner than what makes his gamut of doctors and specialists comfortable--he has 5!--they all agree that he is unquestionably thriving, hitting his milestones, developing the most wonderful personality, and charming literally everyone who comes around.

Monday, March 3, 2008

Please save your applause...

Two nights ago, Cole woke us up around midnight. As I stumbled (and grumbled) into his room to check on him, I found sitting up in the middle of his crib! I think we were both a little shocked. When Cole hits one of these milestones, I like to clap and give him a big smile and cheer, which he always reciprocates with great enthusiasm. This night, however, the little guy didn't have patience for all that fanfare, and just wanted a big hug. Anticlimactic, but understandable, I suppose!