After two weeks of continuous rolling around and trying to crawl, Cole seems to be taking a break from the active life. Now, he is very resistant to being on him tummy at all, and either strongly asserts his desire to be upright and sitting or just rolls over. Even his favorite toys aren't motivation for him, anymore. He will stretch and scoot around on his side in almost a full circle rather than conceding to just a simple roll-over. Most definitely, he is a challenge for my adaptive and problem solving skills. My latest strategy is to place him on the couch and read him books. Although he isn't able to practice rolling and crawling, it does keep him on his tummy longer than anything else, which at least keeps those neck muscles working. Maybe the floor is too hard for that slender frame or maybe he is just focusing on other skills. Regardless, only the little guy knows, and right now, he's just keeping us guessing!