Everyday, Cole just brims with more and more personality. He's a very different baby than Franny was at this age. With Franny, at this point she had been rolling around for over two months and was days away from starting her commando crawl. In contrast, Cole is much more interactive, rather than active. He will hold eye contact for long periods and will laugh, coo, and talk the whole time; when he is playing on the floor he will break into a huge grin the moment he manages to catch someone's eye. When I'm distracted with some task, he will feign a cry only to smile and laugh the minute he gets my attention. As incredibly charming as he is, however, I do wish he would get a little more intent on rolling, sitting up, and crawling. I suppose, he is who he is, and will do things his own way. And when he gives me smiles like these, I realize that I really shouldn't complain!