About a week ago, I finally realized--probably a little late--that Cole was strong enough to sit upright. What a wonderful development! Before, when fixing meals or cleaning up the kitchen, I would put him in his bouncer while I proceeded through the daily routine. Although the best place for him at the time, unfortunately, it gave him the thrilling view of my legs from the knees down--not the ideal positionment for a little guy trying to figure out how the world works. In the chair, however, he becomes more a part of our daily routine, and is able to see first-hand how our day unfolds. And, even more importantly, it is easier to talk to him and involve him in what we're doing. It also allows me to relax more; before, I would rush through everything so I could free him of the bouncer. It's such a little thing, but yet, it makes such a tremendous difference. For Cole, as well, I am sure!