Today, we are officially at 38 weeks--full term and now just putting on a little bonus fat. It is hard to believe that six weeks ago I was in the hospital and according to the biophysical profile, the little guy was just a mere four pounds. Since that was appropriate for his age, I feel confident in estimating that he now likely weighs between 6 and 7 1/2 pounds and is probably between 19 and 20 inches long. Also, his organs are fully developed and in place, although his lungs and brain will continue to develop throughout childhood.
I consider each day a gift, for many reasons. First and foremost, that each day he is able to grow and develop in the best possible way--in the womb. Also, it gives me more time to be with Franny, to enjoy our routine and activities, and to prepare for the fact that our family is growing and our time alone together is coming to an end. And lastly, it gives us time to get a lot of loose ends tied up. Six weeks ago, all of things were a "maybe" at best; and even when I came home, I didn't think that we would make it this far. This past year, I have unquestionably learned that even the most tenacious effort cannot prevent life from unfolding along it's mysterious but intended path. With this experience, however, I am just thankful that we've come to this point.